Dear Voyageur Militaire,

We hope this message finds you well and thriving in the spirit of camaraderie that defines our incredible 40&8 veterans organization. Today, we are delighted to share some exciting news that will further connect us and showcase the outstanding contributions of our esteemed members.

Introducing a New Feature: Share Your Stories!

In our continuous effort to celebrate the achievements and activities of our remarkable members, we have implemented a brand-new feature that allows each Voyageur Militaire to share their stories, experiences, and initiatives directly with our community. We believe that every member has a unique journey and valuable insights to offer, and we are thrilled to provide a platform for you to tell your stories.

How It Works:

  1. Visit Our Website:
    o Navigate to our website.
    o Look for the “Share Your Story” section on the main menu, where you’ll find a user-friendly form designed to capture your articles, events, and images.
  2. Tell Us About Your Contributions:
    o Share details about your involvement in our programs, events, or community initiatives.
    o Upload articles, images, or any relevant content that you would like to showcase in our upcoming newsletters.
  3. Connect with Our Community:
    o This feature is an excellent opportunity to connect with fellow Voyageur Militaire members.
    o Your stories will be featured not only in our internal communications but also in our quarterly newsletters, which are accessible to the public and members across the entire organization.

    Why Your Participation Matters:
    • Celebrate Achievements: Your contributions play a crucial role in celebrating the achievements and activities within our organization.
    • Inspire Others: Your stories can inspire and motivate fellow members, fostering a sense of unity and pride in our shared experiences.
    • Community Building: By sharing your experiences, you contribute to the rich tapestry of our community, reinforcing the bonds that make our organization special.

    A Call to Action: Share Your Journey!
    We invite each and every Voyageur Militaire to take advantage of this exciting new feature. Whether it’s a personal anecdote, a noteworthy event, or a snapshot of your involvement, your stories matter, and we want to hear them!

    Important Note: Our Quarterly Newsletter Relies on Your Contributions!
    Remember, our quarterly newsletter will be written based on the content provided by our members. No content provided means no articles or newsletter to release. Your active participation ensures a vibrant and engaging newsletter for our entire community.

    Encourage Your Voiture Locale to Appoint a L’ Editeur and/or Historien:
    If your Voiture Locale does not have a designated L’ Editeur or Historien, we strongly encourage you to appoint one or both. Having a dedicated editor (L’ Editeur) will streamline the content submission process of those things occuring within your Voiture Locale, and having a Historien will help capture the rich history of our organization. These positions will serve as single points of contact for your Voiture Locale pertaining to the “big events” that you do throughout the year.

    Capture the Moments:
    For the position of Historien, we encourage the individual to not only document the present but also capture the historical essence of our organization. Take a lot of good photos and provide them with captions to enrich our collective history.

    Let’s make our upcoming newsletters vibrant and reflective of the diverse and accomplished membership we are privileged to have.

    Thank you for being an integral part of Grand Voiture du Arizona.

    P.S. If you encounter any issues or have questions about the new feature, feel free to reach out to me at: []. We look forward to hearing your incredible stories!

For La Société,

Public Relations Directeur
Grand du Arizona, 40/8